Hi all. I'm transcribing a piece written in 2/2 time, but I don't like the
automatic beaming that LilyPond uses when I set \time 2/2:

%%% begin snippet %%%

 music = \relative c'' {

  c16 c c c c c c c c8 c16 c c8 c16 c |

  r8 c c c c c c c | \break


\new Staff {

  % good

  \time 4/4


  % bad -- first measure has too many notes per beam

  \time 2/2


  \time 2/2

  % bad -- second measure has too few notes per beam

  \set baseMoment = #(ly:make-moment 1 4)

  \set beatStructure = #'(1 1 1 1)



%%% end snippet %%%

I want the piece to be in 2/2 time, but with the 4/4 beamExceptions. What's
the best way to do this?

Thanks in advance.
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