Jonas thanks for the reply here's the whole section I'm not seeing the
problem you suggest.  Also until
%page 11 this compiled fine.
melody = \relative c' {
\clef treble
\key a \major
\time 6/8
r2 r8\f cis cis4 a'8 a4 gis8 fis4 e8 cis4 e8 e4 e8 gis4 fis8
e4 fis8 d4. cis8 b e d4. cis8 b e fis4. r2 r8 cis
cis4 a'8 a4 gis8 fis (e ) cis4 b8 b ~ b b gis'4 fis8 e fis d2 r8
r4. cis8 a' a b4. a4 b8 cis gis4 fis gis8 a e4
\tempo 4 = 82
a8^\markup {\italic subito} b a
%page 2
gis4. r a8 b16 cis b8 a gis4 r8 fis gis a gis4
e8 fis gis fis4. fis8 a gis a b4 a8 gis a b4 r8 e,8 fis gis fis4 r8
e8 cis gis' fis4 r8 fis4 gis8 a gis4 fis e4. cis16 fis
r2^\markup {\italic atempo} r8 cis cis4 a'8 a gis f e4 gis8 fis4. r8 a gis
fis4 cis8 cis b cis4 r
%page 9
cis8 cis4 a'8 a gis8 fis4 e8 fis4 cis8 cis4 cis'8 cis4 b8 a4 gis fis4
fis8 e4 fis8 a4 gis8 fis4 e8 fis4 R2. cis'8 b a gis4. e'8 d cis b4.
a8 b cis b4. cis4. b8 a gis fis gis b4. r8 b gis4 a8 e4
gis8 fis e a cis,4 \break
b'8\mp^\markup {\italic "the sisters"} cis4 a8 b4 a8 gis fis e fis4
cis'8\mf b e d4.
%page 10
cis8 b e fis4 e,8 e4 cis'8 cis4 b8 ~ b a gis \breathe
e^\markup {\italic "Daughter 1" } fis fis a gis4 e8 fis fis
a8 gis4 d'8 cis cis e cis4 b8 a4 e' cis8 d4 a8 cis4 b8 fis4 \fermata r8
a,8^\markup {\italic Lir} e' a gis4 gis8 a4. r4 cis8 cis4 b8 a4 fis8 gis4 e8
cis4. cis8 b4 a'8 gis (e)
fis4 gis8 fis4. cis'8 a b gis e4 a^\markup {\italic rit.}
gis8 fis4 r \break
r2.^\markup {\italic atempo} cis4 cis8 a'4.
%page 11
gis4 fis8 e4 r8 \break
r^\markup {\italic "Daughter 2"} cis4 cis8 cis"4 cis8 b4 a8 gis4 fis8 fis4
e8 fis4 a8 gis4 fis8 e4
fis8 cis'4 b8 a4
r8 \fermata ^\markup {\italic \tiny "an uh moment"} gis8 e'
d cis b ~ b [r a] b cis fis, gis a gis4 cis
\partial 4
fis,4 \break
\partial 2
fis8^\markup {\italic Lir} b4 e8, a4 a8 gis4 r8 b8 gis e a fis d cis4 gis'
a,4. e'8 fis (e) fis4 cis8
b e d b cis4 fis a8 gis4. \breathe fis4 e gis8 fis ~ fis4. r4 \fermata
c8^\markup {\italic "slightly slower"} ~ c

\bar "|."

On Sat, Oct 29, 2011 at 9:17 AM, Jonas Müthing <> wrote:

> Hej Jay,
> look for your last quotation mark in the file. It looks as if you have
> forgotten to close a section within quotation marks, therefore lilypond
> thinks that all of this %r8 \fermata ^\markup {\italic \tiny still is some
> text that it should write in the score and that "an uh moment" is the code
> again.
> Regards
> Jonas
> Am 29.10.2011 um 18:02 schrieb
> I don't know what is wrong here
> I'm using
> \version "2.14.1"
> the % works everywhere except here
> %r8 \fermata ^\markup {\italic \tiny "an uh moment"} gis8 e'
> d cis b ~ b [r a] b cis fis, gis a gis4 cis
> the error message actually tells me
> %r8 \fermata ^\markup {\italic \tiny
> "an uh moment"} gis8 e'
> And won't compile but it shouldn't even see that line! Should it?
> Doesn't see any of the other lines marked like that.
> Also if I remove the ^\markup {\italic \tiny "an uh moment"}
> then I get a different error later
> c8^\markup {\italic
> "slightly slower"}
> In fact I just deleted the section(s) that gave me an error message and it
> still wouldn't compile it gave me\
> \bar
> "|."
> as the error.
> This is all new as everything has been working as expected.
> Hope someone has an idea
> Jay
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Jay Hamilton Sound and Silence 206-328-7694
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