Hi all,
I've spent a while in searching how to achieve my needs, but with no
success, until now.
Let's say that Arthur plays with "Matriochkas": lots of basic files
that get included and distributed in an Act-file (bookpart), all the
Act-files being included in an Opus-file (book).
The full work produces 44 midi files, and I can "prefix" their naming on
a bookpart basis. That's already fine. I got one remark from the singing
teacher: it is impossible to know which file corresponds to which air...
My question: is there another way to "name" the output midis than
enclosing each score section in a book/bookpart.
One alternative would be the ability to generate a sort of playlist,
based on the table of contents (with file name instead of page number)?
And one enhancement request if it is not already possible: setting the
number of digit for the numbering (2 is greater than 10 -- alphabetical
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