Le 14/10/2011 11:32, Francisco Vila disait :
2011/10/14 Ed Gordijn<ed.klari...@gmail.com>:
Hi Jean-Charles,

This is quite a large work. Nice work and good promotion for Lilypond!

Indeed.  I usually post these sort of news to our Spanish list.

You may!

I have a question.  Many publish on Mutopia.  Others on CPDL
(Choralwiki). Others on IMSLP.  Some have their own source repo, e.g.
nenuvar by N.Sceaux.  Now, I have The Fairy Queen in LP (not by me)
and before submitting it I have searched all these sites (no luck).
Which one do you recommend? Which reasons are there for /not/
submitting to one or them?  How will this mess finally unify, if any?
Maybe there are unifying efforts I'm not aware of.  A pity Mutopia is
essentially freezed, see their mailing lists.

We in the LilyPond web pages once had a version of Bach's C minor
fugue, WTC I/2. It had remains of have been in Mutopia, but it is
currently not there.  How a score goes into Mutopia and then it goes
out form it?  This is a question for the Mutopia list, I guess.

Here are some explanations of why and how and where.

When my wife and her colleague Virginie, the Harpsichord teacher, told me about their project to perform King Arthur, I searched on the net some material about it and found the 1843 edition on ISMLP being in public domain. This being a pedagogic project evolving many of the music school attendants and amateur chorists in the neighborhood, I decided to typeset it for several reasons: - the rental cost for the performance material (800 Euros for one year), keeping in mind that it will last over the next; - an overwhelming habit of my fellow chorists to highlight their own voice on the score (even with lipstick in order to obey their chef de chœur -- my wife); - and a special request from Virginie to have a supplementary staff for the Continuo, in order to develop motives for her pupils who don't read figures.

One other reason that guided me was some sort of "pros elitism" in favor of LilyPond: keep the code as purely lilypondish as possible, in order to show that even a child with no knowledge of programming could achieve (even though I "pumped" some Scheme from Nicolas).

I decided to "publish" it on the CPDL for two reasons:
- I don't have any site;
- it is a "fair return" to what I had downloaded from the CPDL for the means of the choir I attended, and I was already registered there.


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