David Rogers <davidandrewrog...@gmail.com> writes:

> Steve Downes <st...@kingswayelec.co.uk> writes:
>> I am finding finding my way round the manuals a bit convoluted at
>> present & merging info from one section into a script styled on
>> another very hit & miss. No doubt it will get easier. 
> The manual is very convoluted, but it probably has to be because
> Lilypond itself is a large project that does a lot of things, some of
> which take a bit of explaining.

I disagree.  Any perceived convolution is likely caused by lots of
people working on the manual locally whenever they change Lilypond
around, and working with their personal area of expertise.

The results are astonishingly good for that process, but certainly could
be quite better when designed and maintained as a whole.  That would be
a non-trivial amount of work, and the necessary knowledge is

David Kastrup

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