Are you sure that preview isn't shrinking it to fit the page? Adobe Reader does 
this by default.
Maybe preview does as well. 

I am printing using the lp (linux-print) command on ubuntu, also running 
lilypond 2.14.2.
With previous version I did not have to use the shrink-to-fit option with lp.

With both your pdf and mine, and using either lp or adobe, I have to shrink the
page to get it onto the paper. It's not a huge problem, but I'm wondering 
whether it's
lilypond's deal or not. 

On Sun, Oct 02, 2011 at 10:38:25AM -0500, Patrick Karl wrote:
> Hi Jeremy,
> I didn't have any problem with the printing of the lowest lyrics.  I am 
> attaching the pdf file I generated and the LilyPond log file.
> I am running version 2.14.2 of LilyPond on a mac with OSX 10.6.8.  I printed 
> the pdf file using Preview and the resulting pages look exactly like the 
> contents of the pdf file.
> Hope this helps.  When you find out what the problem is, I would be 
> interested in knowing.
> Regards,
> Patrick Karl
> P.S.  I am only replying to you, not the list.


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