On Sep 30, 2011, at 10:20 AM, Tim Sawyer wrote:
> On 30/09/11 07:12, Jay Anderson wrote:
>> On Fri, Aug 19, 2011 at 5:30 AM, Tim Sawyer
>> <list.lilyp...@calidris.co.uk> wrote:
>>> http://percussion360.com/
>>> This works by taking SVG generated from lilypond, munging it a bit
>>> (including matching it up with the .ly source), then playing it back using
>>> javascript and html5 audio. Playback doesn't work in IE but does work in
>>> other recent (proper) browsers.
>> This is really neat. I'm thinking of doing something similar with some
>> hymns. How did you add the id attributes to the paths to the svg
>> source? I assume this is what you meant by matching it up with the
>> source. I'm not seeing a good way to do this yet.
> It's not nice...took me quite a while to do.
> I have my books split into 32 parts. Each part is in a separate .tex file.
> I have a python script that extracts lilypond scores from these .tex files.
> Once it has a score, it writes it to disk as a .ly file.
> Next, we take the .ly file and convert it into an svg/xml file using
> "lilypond -dbackend=svg file.ly". This uses lilypond 2.13.11.
> We also at this point generate a .eps file from the score, "lilypond
> -dbackend=eps file.ly", then use http://www.imagemagick.org to convert this
> into a trimmed .jpg of the score. (I made this bit optional in the
> generation - it's what takes the longest time)
> I then create an object which wrappers the .ly file and the .svg file, and
> links them together. I'm parsing the music line from my .ly file so that I
> know what notes are involved in what order. We first work out a music
> resolution (ie shortest note required to accurately playback the score), and
> then we produce a python dictionary that has positions in the stave (in units
> of the music resolution) pointing to objects that hold details of the note.
> If it's a chord (ie snare drum and bass drum together) the note holds a
> chordList for the other notes.
> On the SVG side, we look through the svg file produced, looking for known
> shapes (ie a tag with attribute d="M217 139c67 0 112 -38 112 -94c0 -90 -111
> -184 -217 -184c-67 0 -112 38 -112 94c0 90 111 184 217 184z" is a solid
> notehead). We order this structure by position (from the value in the
> transform attribute) and then match up the notes between the svg and the
> lilypond object structure. If we get a different number of notes, then we
> have a problem somewhere!
> We then write out a new SVG file with some additional attributes on the nodes
> - an id for position, a delay for length and an audio for sounds at playback.
> Rests are just notes with no sound.
> Note that this only currently works for one line staves - I've only done this
> for my short exercises. I'd have to expand this matching code to cope with
> multiline stuff, and there's no point for what I'm doing with it.
> So, here's the original .ly for my first stave:
> #(set-global-staff-size 18)
> \paper
> {
> ragged-right=##f
> }
> \score
> {
> \version "2.10.0"
> {
> \time 4/4
> \override Staff.VerticalAxisGroup #'minimum-Y-extent = #'(-6 . 7)
> \override Staff.TimeSignature #'style = #'()
> \clef bass
> \stemUp
> e e e r e r e r r e e r e e e r \bar "|."
> }
> }
> The lilypond generated SVG is attached (
> The resulting SVG that ends up in the web page is also attached
> (
> This is basically the same SVG as lilypond produced with the addition of:
> * audio - path to the sound to play
> * id - the position in the music, in units of music resolution
> * delay - number of music resolution units to sound this note for
> and a bit of metadata.
> The javascript then looks at the length of the music (see bottom of
> .svg.xml), grabs hold of all the elements with an id of n1 up to n16 (or the
> length), loads the appropriate sounds, then starts playback, setting the
> colour of elements to red for the specified length of time, then back to
> black.
> Hope that helps!
> Tim.
In the same vein, I have a python script that I used to make the following two
works for cello solo:
It is the exact same idea: the python script parses the svg, extracts all
relevant info, and then rewrites the svg animated-style.
You'll see that all of the motion handling is done by one core javascript
function that looks up every movable node and either moves it or doesn't.
Lemme know off-list if you'd like to see more (I have to spruce up my script to
make it human-readable). And, on-list, one of my projects that I'll be taking
on soon is incorporating some type of grouping mechanism into SVGs generated by
LilyPond so that less python trickery is needed.
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