ivan.k.kuznet...@gmail.com writes:

> I have been reading the archives, and if I understand
> correctly, the _only_ way to make a hairpin crescendo
> or decrescendo last a duration that is shorter than an entire
> whole or half note is to add a pseudo voice of "invisible
> rests" and notate your hairpins to the pseudo voice.

I don't think you understood correctly.

> Is this really the only way?
> If so, I find that adding this pseudo voice causes all
> kinds of unwanted consequences such as adjusting vertical
> positions of rests and stem directions in the actual music.
> This is not good.

At least not if you think this.

> As an example, in the appended snippet I need to
> have the decrescendo underneath the A flat start
> proportionally one eight note duration after the
> beginning of that A flat.
> Can someone give me some pointers on how to achieve
> this?
> Thank you for your help and suggestions.
> \version "2.12.3"
> \include "english.ly"
> \score {
>    \new Staff = "voice"
>    {
>      \autoBeamOn
>      \numericTimeSignature
>      \clef "treble"
>      \time 3/4
>      % voice m03
>      fs'2^\mf (e'8) g'8^\mp
>      % voice m04
>      ([e'8]) r8 g'8^\mp ([e'8] g'8^\< [e'8]
>      % voice m05
>      \time 4/4
>      af'2^\!^\> )  r4^\! f'4^\mp

<< af'2^\!) { s8 s4.^\> } >>

That should do the trick.  Note that this does not, I repeat not, add
another voice.  It merely uses simultaneous music in order to specify
the timing for the descrescendo event within the _same_ voice.  _Don't_
write \\ and you don't get separate voices.

>    }
>    \addlyrics{ Smear Smear Smear }
> }
> \layout {
>   \context {
>      \Score
>      \override SpacingSpanner
>            #'base-shortest-duration = #(ly:make-moment 1 32)  %% pg.
>       proportionalNotationDuration = #(ly:make-moment 1 8) %% pg 364
>   }
> }

David Kastrup

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