2011/9/26 Reinhold Kainhofer <reinh...@kainhofer.com>:
> Am Montag, 26. September 2011, 18:11:50 schrieb Alberto Simões:
>> Hello
>> At [1] you can find the images of the engraving process of one
>> transcription I did. The Lilypond source file is available at [2] and if
>> you prefer the PDF version, it is available at [3].
>> In this engraving I do not like the amount of space between the two
>> systems. I understand that there is not much that Lilypond can do, but
>> the overall aspect is kind of... strange.
>> I am writing to ask for any suggestion to make this output better.
> For my empty score sheet generator, I had to adjust the vertical spacing quite
> a bit, too. The default settings of lilypond simply look ugly.

Yes they do.
Well, fixing this is on my to-do list.  However, fixing it properly
will not be easy, because it probably requires rewriting current
spacing engine (i know that it sounds ugh).  I remember that i've
found an example score layout which was impossible to achieve with
current system.

2011/9/26 Reinhold Kainhofer <reinh...@kainhofer.com>:
> Am Montag, 26. September 2011, 18:25:29 schrieb Janek Warchoł:
>> I'd put it differently: there's not much LilyPond *cannot* do.
>> For starters, add
>> ragged-bottom = ##t
>> to your paper block.
>> Then, read
>> http://www.lilypond.org/doc/v2.14/Documentation/notation/flexible-vertical
>> -spacing-_005cpaper-variables (notice that the documentation is about
>> current stable version -
>> 2.14.2.
> Notice, however, that once you set ragged-bottom=##t, then those vertical
> spacing settings won't have any effect any more!

They will work.  Just remember that stretchablility doesn't make much
sense when ragged-bottom is turned on, but the others are ok.


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