On Sat, Sep 24, 2011 at 01:30:55PM -0400, Michael Ellis wrote:
> Note: what I'm actually trying to do with the preprocessing, as
> opposed to the trivial example above,  is something that cannot be
> done easily with a music function.  I know about the --evaluate
> command line option but that's also not practical for what I'm trying
> to do.

Does the preprocessing require scheme?  If you're just using sed
or m4 or python, I'd do this:
# mylily.sh
cp $1 /tmp
sed '...' /tmp/$1 > /tmp/$1-processed.ly
lilypond /tmp/$1-processed.ly
mv /tmp/$1-processed.ly .

Granted it could be made a lot cleaner... and now that I've
mentioned it, I'm certain that people have posted nicer
preprocessing tips to this mailing list.  Try searching the

- Graham

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