On Sep 23, 2011, at 2:30 PM, Peekay Ex wrote:

> Mike
> On Fri, Sep 23, 2011 at 1:22 PM, Urs Liska <li...@ursliska.de> wrote:
>> Am 23.09.2011 01:53, schrieb Tim Roberts:
>>> Janek Warchoł wrote:
>>>> If your friend would like to see what Lily can do, i'd show him this:
>>>> http://www.apollinemike.com/scores/granini.pdf
>>>  From a publishing perspective, that's impressive on a nearly magical
>>> scale.  As a musician, please forgive my parochial and archaic attitude,
>>> but that's nuts.
> I'm curious, knowing what you know now about LP how long did/would
> this take you to create assuming that you had already done the
> composition itself on pad and paper (i.e. transcribe)?
> and how long it took to compile.
> -- 
> --
> James

Just got back home from transcribing chipmunk noises for my most recent choral 
I'll just say that being called nuts is the single greatest compliment I could 
possibly receive.

A few things regarding this thread:

-) I'd be happy to send anyone the source material for any of my pieces - just 
let me know what you'd like to see in a private mail.  I can't promise that 
it's tidy or that it compiles on current versions of LilyPond, but most of the 
tweaks/overrides should be salvageable.

-) I see what you're saying about pen/paper composition, but I actually work 
faster typing in music from a command line than on paper.  I also feel I can do 
certain things that I can't on paper, such as legible stream-of-counsciousness 
thoughts-to-self and various algorithmic experiments.  I do use pen and paper, 
though, to make flow charts.  I also use GarageBand to sing mock ups of most of 
my pieces and then transcribe these mockups into LilyPond.  For my sketches, I 
gravitate towards the tool that will (a) allow me to express an idea as fast as 
possible; and (b) allow me to play with this idea as much as possible (which, 
of course, includes getting rid of it).

-) The piece in question (granini di luce...) took me one week of LilyPond 
work, but I was working from an audio mockup of me singing all of the parts and 
there were several gaps where I knew I had to add stuff in LilyPond w/o 
sketches.  This actually speeds me up, as I can improvise on the spot in the 
Terminal instead of switching between paper/computer.  For a better barometer 
of transcription, check out http://www.apollinemike.com/auxeppes.  This took me 
seven weeks to transcribe pulling 12 hour days.

Valentin Villenave was working on some very interesting stuff regarding 
"thinking" in lily code, and I'm sure that the other composers on this list 
(Kieren, Trevor Bača, etc) work in a similar manner.


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