There's too much music here to work out your problem. Could you a) say what you believe is wrong, and b) cut the music down to a tiny example showing your problem.
-- Phil Holmes ----- Original Message ----- From: Mario Moles To: Sent: Tuesday, September 13, 2011 4:07 PM Subject: \change Staff don't work fine Any idea? Thank's! \version "2.15.10" csr = \change Staff = "right" csl = \change Staff = "left" sn=\stemNeutral su=\stemUp sd=\stemDown tn=\tieNeutral suon = \sustainOn suof = \sustainOff tempoMark = { \once \override Score.RehearsalMark #'self-alignment-X = #LEFT \once \override Score.RehearsalMark #'break-align-symbols = #'(time-signature key-signature) \once \override Staff.TimeSignature #'break-align-anchor-alignment = #LEFT \mark \markup \bold { "Allegro molto" } } global = { \tempoMark \key g \major \time 6/8 } rightOne = \relative c' { \global % Qui segue la musica. \global \override Fingering #'avoid-slur = #'inside % Qui segue la musica. \csl c8\pp \csr g' c, \csl b \csr g' c,| \csl c \csr g' c, \csl g \csr g' c,| \csl c \csr g' c, \csl b \csr g' c,| \csl c \csr g' c, \csl g \csr g' c,| \csl c \csr g' c, \csl b \csr g' c,| \csl c \csr g' c, \csl g \csr g' c,| \csl e \csr b' e, \csl d \csr b' e,| \csl e \csr b' e, \csl b \csr b' e,| \csl e \csr b' e, \csl d \csr b' e,| \csl e \csr b' e, \csl b \csr b' e,| \csl g \csr d' g, \csl fis \csr d' g,| \csl g \csr d' g, \csl d \csr d' g,| \csl g \csr d' g, \csl fis \csr d' g,| \csl c, \csr g' c, \csl b \csr g' c,| \csl c \csr g' c, \csl g \csr g' c,| \csl c \csr g' c, \csl b \csr g' c,| \csl c \csr g' c, \csl b \csr g' c,| \csl b \csr fis' b, \csl a \csr fis' b,| \csl b \csr fis' b, \csl a \csr fis' b,| \csl a \csr e' a, \csl g \csr e' a,| \csl a \csr e' a, \csl g \csr e' a,| \clef "bass" \repeat unfold 4 {\csl \su g \csr \sd d' g, \csl \su fis \csr \sd d' g,|} \repeat unfold 2 {\csl \su fis \csr \sd cis' fis, \csl \su e \csr \sd cis' fis,|} \repeat unfold 2 {\csl \su e \csr \sd b' e, \csl \su d \csr \sd b' e,|} \repeat unfold 2 {\csl \su d \csr \sd a' d, \csl \su c \csr \sd a' d,|} \repeat unfold 2 {\csl \su c \csr \sd g' c, \csl \su a \csr \sd g' c,|} \csl \su g \csr \sd g' c, \csl \su fis, \csr \sd g' c,| \csl \su e,2.| \csr \repeat unfold 4 {r2.}| \time 2/4 \repeat unfold 21{r2}| \clef "treble" \time 6/8 e'''4 d8 c4 d8| } rightTwo = \relative c' { \global % Qui segue la musica. s2.*39| s2*21| <g, b>2.| } leftOne = \relative c' { \global % Qui segue la musica. s2.*39| % s2*21| \csl % c,8 g' c b, g' c| } leftTwo = \relative c { \global % Qui segue la musica. c'4.\suon b| c g| c b| c g| c b| c g| e' d| e b| e d| e b| \clef "treble" g' fis| g d| g fis| \clef "bass" c b| c g| c b| c b| b a| b a| a g| a g| g fis| g fis| g fis| g fis| fis e| fis e| e d| e d| d c| d c| c b| c a| g fis| s2.| \repeat unfold 4 {r2.}| \repeat unfold 21{r2}| \clef "bass" c'4. b| } \score { \new PianoStaff \with { instrumentName = "Pf." } << \new Staff = "right" \with { midiInstrument = "acoustic grand" } << \rightOne \\ \rightTwo >> \new Staff = "left" \with { midiInstrument = "acoustic grand" } { \clef bass << \leftOne \\ \leftTwo >> } >> \layout { } \midi { \context { \Score tempoWholesPerMinute = #(ly:make-moment 100 4) } } } -- oiram/bin/selom ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ _______________________________________________ lilypond-user mailing list
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