Thanks for your responses.
Federico, your suggest is interesting, but it's a little too hard to follow
for my poor needs. I don't have a speedy internet connection, 170MB are too
high bandwith amount!
In addition building from source code, could not be so easy, as you have

So for now I'll content with vexflow produced document.
The fact is that I like LaTeX way to write source code, I'm not looking for
a GUI, vexflow gets a simple text source code and produces a graphic result,
no mouse needed. I like that idea.
Also lilypond work in that way... But....
...But it's requested to enter notes name instead of fret/string numbers,
and this is not confortable for me and my poor music knowledge.
On the other hand I like lilypond graphic result, it's better than vexflow

Thanks again anyway!

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