On Sun, Sep 04, 2011 at 06:34:41PM -0400, lilypond-user-requ...@gnu.org wrote:

The code below, sent by Harm works, thank you.
But I still would like to be able to do it with something more along the lines 
of the divisioMaxima found in gregorian.ly:

divisioMaxima = {
  \once \override BreathingSign  #'stencil = #ly:breathing-sign::divisio-maxima
  \once \override BreathingSign  #'Y-offset = #0
  \once \override BreathingSign  #'extra-X-extent = #'(-1.0 . 0)



Can I make this dotted or dashed somehow? 

I tried adding 
\override BreathingSign #'style = #'dotted-line, but that didn't work.

> Hi,
> try:
> \version "2.14.2"
> \paper {
>         ragged-right = ##f
> }
> bI = { 
>         \once \override Staff.BarLine #'transparent = ##f 
>         \once\set Staff.whichBar = ":" 
> }
> spanNull = \once \override Score.SpanBar #'transparent = ##t
> sopran = {
>         \relative c' {
>         a4 b c \bI d  e f \bI g f \bI e d c d \bar "||"
>         }
> }
> alt = {
>         \relative c' {
>          a a\bI a a b b\bI \spanNull b b c c c\bI c
>         }
> }
> tenor = {
>         \relative c' {
>         c c c\bI \spanNull c d d d\bI d e e e\bI \spanNull e
>         }
> }
> bass = {
>         \relative c' {
>         c\bI c c c d\bI d d d e\bI e e\bI e
>         }
> }
> \score {
>         <<
>         \new StaffGroup <<
>         \new Staff \sopran
>         \new Staff \alt
>         \new Staff \tenor
>         \new Staff \bass
>         >> 
>         >>
>         \layout {
>               \context { 
>                     \Staff
>                     \override BarLine #'transparent = ##t 
>               }
>         }
> }  
> Best,
>   Harm

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