On Thu, 25 Aug 2011 09:23 -0400, "Kieren MacMillan"
<kieren_macmil...@sympatico.ca> wrote:
> Joseph (et al.),
> > In Finale you see straight away if it's right or wrong.  In Lilypond you
> > have to recompile each time.
> More to the point, one of the reasons that Sibelius overtook Finale (to
> whatever degree it has) was that the compile-to-preview times were
> shorter: in Finale, a large score took "several seconds", whereas in
> Sibelius is was "instantaneous" (or so the marketing went).
> In other words, we're not even fighting a "my opera takes five minutes to
> compile where thirty seconds would be okay" issue — we're looking at "I
> want to see it RIGHT NOW".

So, let's admit that this is one comparative weaknes of lilypond --
which it will always have, as far as I can see, even if there's ample
room for improvements of all sorts -- and compare it to its comparative
strengths. we're all using lilypond because of those, otherwise we might
as well turn to sibelius right away.

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