On Aug 22, 2011, at 3:45 PM, Joseph Wakeling wrote:

> On 08/22/2011 03:30 PM, David Kastrup wrote:
>> Assume that the composer has created a four part fugue with macros for
>> the parts and counterparts, snug together with augmentation,
>> transposition and so on.  You can change the theme, and get a different
>> fugue out.
>> But an editor does not want to change the theme.  He might want to
>> octavate a phrase to accommodate common instrument ranges, or add
>> fingerings to some passages.  The fingerings, obviously, don't transpose
>> well.  The score is composer-friendly, not editor-friendly.
> Remind me, does Lilypond operate like C/C++ in that when it compiles,
> there is first a preprocessor that works out all the macros?
> If there _isn't_ one, how easy would it be to implement, so that the .ly
> file gets processed into a form where all autogenerated content is fully
> written out?

You can always get Lilypond's music stream (you can see it via the 
\displayMusic function), which is everything expanded out (save quoted voices) 
unless you do some real tricky Scheme work with delays, the latter of which 
you'd need to be really esoteric to hazard.


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