Urs Liska <lilyp...@ursliska.de> writes:

> Hi list,
> I know that I can tweak the ties in a chord to my liking by overriding
> #'tie-configuration like in the following (intentionally useless)
> example:
> \relative c' {
>   %\once 
>   \override TieColumn #'tie-configuration = 
>     #'( ( 8 . -1)
>         ( 3 . 1 )
>         ( -3 . 1)
>       )
>       <c e g>2~ q |
>       <d f a>~ q
> }
> This doesn't really make sense musically but works as I expect it to.
> But if I uncomment the second line and add the \once clause I'd expect
> that only the first tie (c major) is engraved according to my
> TieColumn. But it seems that instead no manual changes are applied at
> all, both ties are printed "normal". The override doesn't take place
> at all when preceded by \once.
> Is this expected behavior, am I missing something?
> Or should this be considered a bug?

The tie configuration at the time of the tie ending counts, so try
\relative c' {
  <c e g>2~
  \override TieColumn #'tie-configuration = 
    #'( ( 8 . -1)
        ( 3 . 1 )
        ( -3 . 1)
       q |
      <d f a>~ q

David Kastrup

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