Tim Reeves <Tim.Reeves <at> tokamerica.com> writes:

> I tried to compile the "Creating music with Scheme (music box)" snippet (
> http://lsr.dsi.unimi.it/LSR/Item?id=346 ) and when I do, Lilypond crashes 
> with the following output:
> > %lilypond %args "C:\Documents and Settings\timr\Desktop\Bach Prelude in 
> C major.ly"
> Any idea why?

The file (accidentally) does something unusual with contexts :
ending = <<
  { \context Staff = up s1*2 }
  { \context Staff = up r8 f,16 a, c f c a, \stemUp c \change Staff = down
    a, f, a, f, d, f, d, \change Staff = up \stemNeutral
    r8 g16 h d' f' d' h d' h g h d f e\prall d <e g c'>1^\fermata \bar "|."

would more normally be 

ending = <<
  \context Staff = up { s1*2 }
  \context Staff = up { r8 f,16 a, c f c a, \stemUp c \change Staff = down
    a, f, a, f, d, f, d, \change Staff = up \stemNeutral
    r8 g16 h d' f' d' h d' h g h d f e\prall d <e g c'>1^\fermata \bar "|."

That change avoids the bug, but I get three staves with newer LilyPond 
versions, so there is something else strange in the \score block.

Anyone who fixes it can post the fixed version on the LSR; I don't remember 
how, but was able to figure it out from the instructions on that site.

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