On Aug 2, 2011, at 6:55 PM, James Lowe wrote:

> Hello,
> ________________________________________
> From: lilypond-user-bounces+james.lowe=datacore....@gnu.org 
> [lilypond-user-bounces+james.lowe=datacore....@gnu.org] on behalf of Patrick 
> Karl [pck...@mac.com]
> Sent: 03 August 2011 00:29
> To: lilypond-user@gnu.org
> Subject: how to color a repeat bar line?
> I would like to color the initial repeat bar line of a volta.  I tried the 
> following:
> \version "2.14.1"
> \relative g' {
>        \repeat volta 2 { a b c d }
>        \break
>        \once \override Staff.BarLine #'color = #red
>        \repeat volta 2 { d c b a }
> }
> but this colors not only the initial bar line of the 2nd repeat, but also the 
> final bar line of the 1st repeat (which is an interesting interpretation of 
> "\once").  Is there a way to only color the initial bar line of the 2nd 
> repeat?
> --- 
> Manual repeats?

> \bar "|:"

An interesting suggestion.  Would \unfoldRepeats work pretty well with that?

> I am guessing that the \once in the context of a volta 2 is correct. The 
> volta is a single 'entity' comprising of *both* repeat bars. So \once refers 
> to the volta 'set' not just the single bar instance. I could be wrong though 
> :)

You do understand that it's not the trailing or terminal repeat bar line of the 
current volta that's being, IMHO, erroneously colored.  It's the terminal bar 
line of the preceding volta.  If it were the trailing repeat bar line of the 
current volta that were repeated, I could live with that.
> James

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