On Sat, Jul 30, 2011 at 6:14 PM, Xavier Scheuer <x.sche...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On 30 July 2011 20:59, ehzone <ehz...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I would suggest to name your first Lyrics context and then use
> "alignBelowContext" for your second lyrics.
> Also in your current code you do not align your second lyrics on the
> melody and in consequence each syllable is spaced (and always will)
> every quarter note.  You can align it on the melody by using \lyricsto
> like for your first Lyrics context.
Xavier, let me first say thank you for the response.

When I process this file with lilypond, I do get the lyrics between
the staves and you are correct that the lyrics aren't aligned to the
When I attempt to align the lyrics to the music by uncommenting the
\lyricsto "first" line as you suggest then the 2nd verse of lyrics
does align but it does so starting at the second quarter note of the
measure and not the first; the lyrics are off by one quarter note.
The exact code I used is posted below.  How do I get lilypond to align
the 2nd verse starting on the first note of the measure?

% -------- snip
\version "2.12.3"

global = {
  \key c \major
  \time 4/4

\parallelMusic #'( voiceA voiceB ) {
 a4 a a a   b b b b |
 a1         b1      |
 \repeat volta 2 {c4 c c c}   d d d d |
 c1         d1      |

% technique suggested in notation reference, 'ref
words = \lyricmode {
 eh eh eh eh | bee bee bee bee |
 << { sea sea sea sea }
  \new Lyrics = "lyricsSecond" \with {
    % as suggested by XS
    alignBelowContext = "lyricsFirst"
  % as suggested by XS to align on the melody, use \lyricsto
  \lyricsto "first" { mi  mi  mi  mi }
 >> | d d d d

\paper {
 #(set-paper-size "letter")

\score {
 % create a new piano staff that accepts lyrics between the two staves
 \new PianoStaff \with { \accepts "Lyrics" }
  %  define the upper, or treble, staff
  \new Staff = upper
      {  \global
         % the voice will be created explicitly in order to map the lyrics
         \new Voice="first"  { \voiceOne \relative c'' \voiceA}
  % attach the lyrics to the the voice named "first"
  % XS: name your first Lyrics context
  \new Lyrics = "lyricsFirst" \lyricsto "first" \words

  % create the lower, or bass, staff
  \new Staff = lower
         \global \clef bass
         % implicitly create the voices since nothing special has
         % to be done with them
         \relative c  \voiceB

 \layout { }

% ----------- end snip -------------

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