Hi all - I apologize because I'm sure this answer can be found somewhere, but
I am VERY new at this, and I don't have lots of time to research this.

I've exported a MuseScore file to an ly file, and all appears fine, except
that I'm getting the following errors when trying to create the PDF:

# -*-compilation-*-
Processing `C:/Users/Sarah/Desktop/Le Violette.ly'
C:/Users/Sarah/Desktop/Le Violette.ly:192:0: error: syntax error, unexpected

} %% end of score-block 

C:/Program Files/LilyPond/usr/share/lilypond/current/ly/init.ly:73:66:
error: syntax error, unexpected $end
   (ly:parser-error parser (_ "expected error, but none found"))))

error: failed files: "C:\\Users\\Sarah\\Desktop\\Le Violette.ly"

I will attempt to upload the ly file to this message.  I know that the first
error can be resolved by removing a bracket (specifically the one that is
closing the \score bracket), but when I removed it, it didn't solve the
unexpected $end error.

Can anyone point me in the right direction?  Thanks!
http://old.nabble.com/file/p32119309/Le%2BViolette.ly Le+Violette.ly 
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