On Tue, Jul 19, 2011 at 10:07 AM, Tim McNamara <tim...@bitstream.net> wrote:

> Marc-
> I traced the problem to improperly set permissions for the binary
> executable LilyEditor in
> LilyEditor.app > Contents > MacOS > LilyEditor.  Your application arrives
> with permissions set to read and write but not to execute.  Using Terminal
> to navigate to the MacOS directory inside the app and doing "chmod u+x
> LilyEditor" fixes the problem, but most Mac users will not know how to do
> this. What's weird is that it shouldn't launch for you, either, with those
> permissions the way they are.
> Once it's running, it looks good- very basic but that of course is the
> point.  There are a couple of nice features including being able to resize
> the editing window and the file name window at the bottom.  I really like
> the side by side panes showing the .ly file and the .pdf file- nice touch.
> If you're thinking about continuing development, I'd like to be able to
> swap them and put the .pdf on the left and the .ly on the right (I'm not
> sure why, it just feels more natural to me).  One minor bit of polishing is
> that under File the hide option text is "Hide NewApplication" rather than
> "Hide LilyEditor."  It would also be nice to have a keyboard command to run
> Lilypond instead of clicking the button; maybe that's there and I missed it.
>  Also, the application doesn't remember font settings or window sizing
> between launches; it would be nice to have that as well.  The default font
> size is too small on my MacBook Pro for my middle aged eyes.
> I could easily see this being my standard editor for LilyPond.  I've used
> Smultron/Fraise and Emacs mostly; they have their strengths and weaknesses
> but for the most part they are just somewhere to type the code.  I tried the
> jEdit (or is it JEdit?) plugin for Lilypond and really didn't like that.
>  Java apps generally aren't great on the Mac.  Yours accomplishes the key
> things which are syntax highlighting, convenient running of Lilypond to
> render the score and having the PDF displayed in the same app as the .ly
> file.  Nice work.
> Tim
> On Jul 6, 2011, at 9:35 PM, Marc Mouries wrote:
> > Very much like lilyPad I built a simple lilypond editor and added syntax
> coloring. You may want to download it and try it
> > https://www.dropbox.com/s/4tig7qmcpamb1w4/LilyEditor.app
> >
> > -Marc

I am glad my simple Lilypond editor for Mac is helpful.

I implemented your wishes below and made a new version available here:


LilyEditor v0.6 - 2011/07/19
- added keyboard command to run Lilypond instead of clicking the lilypond
- increased font size.
- changed the text of the File/hide from "Hide NewApplication" to "Hide
- added support for the application to remember window position and size
between launches

remaining wishes:
- be able to put the .pdf view on the left and the .ly view on the right
- allow user to set their own font and size

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