At Fri, 08 Jul 2011 11:32:15 +0800,
James Harkins wrote:
> > - Short lived divisi - is there a better method than using < > on
> > every note?  What about a passage with rhythmic differences?  Must
> > this be separated into yet another part?
> This is one area where I think lilypond beats finale, hands down.

Since I was just going on about how much better lilypond's multiple-voice 
handling is, and I just saw a great example of it in action, I thought I'd 
share a reason why I am really digging this piece of software.

3/8 bar: The stems are almost exactly vertically aligned -- just enough offset 
to make it obvious to the eye that they aren't the same voice. Then the kicker, 
which (as far as I know) finale doesn't do by default -- the rhythm dots in the 
upper voice are pushed to the right to line up with those in the lower voice.

No tweaks, looks gorgeous. That level of attention to detail is kind of blowing 
my mind.

Big up to all the developers, testers and bug squad. Amazing stuff going on 


James Harkins /// dewdrop world

"Come said the Muse,
Sing me a song no poet has yet chanted,
Sing me the universal."  -- Whitman

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