Was just playing around with cues, and got it mostly figured out (thanks to the 
great documentation). But I'm stuck on one point --

In the bit pasted below my signature, if I were writing this by hand, I would 
add a \laissezVibrer tie to the last note of the cue, but omit the note at the 
other end of the tie. But I need a real tie in the part that really "owns" the 

For fun, I tried taking out the tie and putting \laissezVibrer inside the cue. 
Lilypond doesn't draw the LV in the \cueDuring section. So, even if I do 
something like this --

sheng = \relative c'' {
  \cueDuring #"eQuintCue" #UP { R1 }
  d16 a d e a4 r2

\addQuote "eQuintCue" { \relative c'' {
  r2 \times 4/5 { d8 a d e a \laissezVibrer }
} }

% These notes will go in the full score, not the part
% I'm copying the notes from eQuintCue but replacing \laissezVibrer with ~
elec = \relative c'' {
  r2 \times 4/5 { d8 a d e a~ } a1

-- the "elec" part in the score looks good, but no LV in the cue part.

Maybe a bug? If so, maybe this will serve as a tiny example...?

\addQuote "q" { \relative c'' { c4 \laissezVibrer } }
\relative c'' { \cueDuring #"q" #UP { s4 } a4 \laissezVibrer }


James Harkins /// dewdrop world

"Come said the Muse,
Sing me a song no poet has yet chanted,
Sing me the universal."  -- Whitman

blog: http://www.dewdrop-world.net/words
audio clips: http://www.dewdrop-world.net/audio
more audio: http://soundcloud.com/dewdrop_world/tracks

% Written as a quick summary reference for myself :)

\version "2.14.1"

\paper {
  indent = 0

global = {
  \time 4/4
  \key d \major

sheng = \relative c'' {
  \cueDuring #"eQuintCue" #UP { R1 }
  d16 a d e a4 r2

eQuintCue = \relative c'' {
  r2 \times 4/5 { d8 a d e a~ }
\addQuote "eQuintCue" { \eQuintCue }

% These notes will go in the full score, not the part
% I'm copying the notes from eQuintCue but replacing \laissezVibrer with ~
elec = \relative c'' {
  \eQuintCue a'1

\markup { "Part with cue -- cues need to be given in the music variable" }

\score {
    \new Staff { \global \sheng }

\markup { "Score without cues -- wrap staff's expression in \killCues" }

\score {
    \new Staff { \killCues { \global \sheng } }
    \new Staff { \global \elec }

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