Marc Hohl wrote:
> Am 05.07.2011 18:17, schrieb -Eluze:
>> [...]
>> i think Kieren's solution works if you override the property of the
>> TextScript in its real context which seems to be the Voice context:
>> \layout {
>>    \context {
>>      \Voice
>>      \override TextScript #'font-size = #-12
>> } }
>> hth
>> Eluze
> No, it is still not working. Attached are two minimal files which don't
> show any difference in the font size regardless of the value for 
> abs-fontsize.
> \layout {
>    \context {
>       \Voice
>       \override TextScript #'abs-fontsize = #100
>    }
> }
> \version "2.15.5"
> \include "myinclude.ily"
> \markup {
>   \wordwrap {
>      This is a sample text.
>   }
> }
you cannot use abs-fontsize to override TextScript properties, it seems to
be reserved for text markups! (at least here i get an error or warning)
but then i don't understand what you're looking for - do you want the
markups in the scores (i.e. attached to notes) to have the same size or do
you want all markups between music parts to have the same size (or both)?

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