At Mon, 4 Jul 2011 10:30:06 +0100,
Graham Percival wrote:
> We have limited developer resources.  If possible, try to make an
> example which can be understood in about 10 seconds.
> > But, since you asked, I'll remove
> ... not enough.

Okay, I understand better now. "Tiny example" doesn't really just mean "tiny." 
To me, one bar is tiny. But "tiny" seems to imply other things. 
Tiny-examples.html doesn't *quite* explain this.

It would have helped me understand what a tiny example is really supposed to be 
if I could have read some additional notes on the page, such as (feel free to 
add these to the page, if appropriate):

- A tiny example usually doesn't mean copying and pasting a bar or a couple of 
beats from a longer score. Copy/paste illustrates, but doesn't really clarify. 
It's better to contrive an example that cuts right to the issue, with no frills 
-- and that means /no/ frills.

- ESPECIALLY IMPORTANT: If it's possible to contrast "good" output against 
"bad" output in the same example, this will clarify the issue much more than a 
simple example with a comment that "I don't like the output here."

- Omit \score {}, \new Staff {} etc. if at all possible. If you're not sure 
what is legal to leave out, reread the learning manual.

Sorry for posting a too-complex example. But I'd also add, from the perspective 
of a relatively new user, "tiny example" seems to be defined a bit like 
pornography... hard to say exactly what it is, but you know it when you see it. 


James Harkins /// dewdrop world

"Come said the Muse,
Sing me a song no poet has yet chanted,
Sing me the universal."  -- Whitman

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