On Jul 4, 2011, at 11:45 AM, Dmytro O. Redchuk wrote:

> On Mon 04 Jul 2011, 15:39 James Harkins wrote:
>> \version "2.14.1"
>> \include "english.ly"
>> \score {
>> \new Staff {
>>   \key d \major
>>   \numericTimeSignature
>>   \time 4/4
>>   r4
>>   \times 4/5 { <cs' d'' b''>16\< <cs' d'' b''><cs' d'' b''><cs' d'' b''><cs' 
>> d'' b''>~ }
>>   <cs' d'' b''>16 <cs' d'' b''>8.
>>   %% Here: the tie on the D's looks funny
>>   %% Too tall? Left-hand endpoint is not aligned with the B tie?
>>   ~ 
>>   <cs' d'' b''>8 [ <b d'' a''>->\mf ]
>> }
>> }
>> It looks even funnier at lower resolution, somewhat better when viewed up 
>> close.
>> I'm aware of \override TieColumn #'tie-configuration but would just as soon 
>> avoid it if possible.
> I found this is an instance of known issue, 1126:
> http://code.google.com/p/lilypond/issues/detail?id=1126
> I have added your example there thougth.
> Thank you!
Hey James,

Ties, like beams and stems, vary widely in terms of aesthetic preference, and 
LilyPond offers a few properties to help express these preferences through 
various minima, maxima, and penalties.

Try setting:
\override Tie #'details #'outer-tie-length-symmetry-penalty-factor = #0

before your chords - I think this may be what you're after.

Here is a list of all the factors and their default settings :

                   (ratio . 0.333)
                   (center-staff-line-clearance . 0.6)
                   (tip-staff-line-clearance . 0.45)
                   (note-head-gap . 0.2)
                   (stem-gap . 0.35)
                   (height-limit . 1.0)
                   (horizontal-distance-penalty-factor . 10)
                   (same-dir-as-stem-penalty . 8)
                   (min-length-penalty-factor . 26)
                   (tie-tie-collision-distance . 0.45)
                   (tie-tie-collision-penalty . 25.0)
                   (intra-space-threshold . 1.25)
                   (outer-tie-vertical-distance-symmetry-penalty-factor . 10)
                   (outer-tie-length-symmetry-penalty-factor . 10)
                   (vertical-distance-penalty-factor . 7)
                   (outer-tie-vertical-gap . 0.25)
                   (multi-tie-region-size . 3)
                   (single-tie-region-size . 4)
                   (between-length-limit . 1.0)

We always strive to have the best out-of-the-box result possible, so if you 
feel after experimenting with these settings that you arrive at a result that 
is more akin to what you see in musical rep, send us a scan of the rep and the 
parameters you used to get there and we can start considering how to encode 
this (these) exception(s) in LilyPond's default output.

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