Le 18/06/2011 16:46, Jean-Charles Malahieude disait :
Le 18/06/2011 15:57, Kieren MacMillan disait :
Hi Jean-Charles,
In the book I'm engraving, it happens that some instruments get "tacet"
for certain pieces. In order to generate a full table of contents, I
treat them through "Devnull". The problem is that I often get what
I meant having the "piece" header appear in the score.
Is there any reason you don't simply use top-level markup instead?
The reason is that if I happen to "customize" the layout of those header
variables, I would prefer it to apply in this particular case as well.
And I find it useful when extracting instrumental parts of the opera I'm
engraving (King Arthur).
I' found a pseudo workaround:
\score {
\repeat unfold 4 { c'1 \break }
\header { piece = "Piece one" }
\score {
\repeat unfold 9 { e'1 \break }
\header {
piece = \markup {
\line { Piece two }
\line { Piece three } }
opus = "Tacet."
The only thing I don't know how to achieve is to eventually add
a page break between tow and three when needed.
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