On Sun, Jun 19, 2011 at 11:30:25PM +0200, Xavier Scheuer wrote:
> The following snippets are providing different solutions (some with
> important drawbacks) to this issue/request (useful in many cases!):
> http://lsr.dsi.unimi.it/LSR/Item?id=393
> http://lsr.dsi.unimi.it/LSR/Item?id=739
> but there is also Graham's "make-dynamic-extra" (see below)

I am fairly confident that at the time that I wrote
make-dynamic-extra, it was the best way of doing it.  I spent
something like 10 hours working on it and reading mailing list

Issue 739 appears to have been written after that work, and at
first glance it looks good.

> and IIRC Valentin has a pending PATCH for implementing this.

Please stop capitalizing "patch".  If you're referring to issue
1264, the patch broke the build, and in any case it's postponed
until GLISS.

> I do not understand what means the Scheme code in each of these, could
> someone have a look and tell me which one seems the best (i.e. with
> the least possible drawbacks for an implementation)?

It might be a good idea to learn some scheme, or at the very least
do some more experimentation.  I mean, ultimately what matters is
the quality of the output.  Try a few different commands in your
scores, look at the output, and pick the one you like the best.

- Graham

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