I have an attached piece of music, and some of the measures are, for lack of
a better term, running off the page. Any help will be appreciated.

In Christ,
Michael D
\version "2.12.3"
\include "english.ly"
\include "gregorian.ly"

\header {
  title = "Anaphora"
  poet = "Znamenny Chant"
  composer =  "Arranged by Michael Dykes"
     footer = "anap_zn[3]"
    ponomarname = "Anaphora"
    ponomartype = "OwnWork"
    ponomarsubtype = "Arrangement"
    ponomarsource = "Unknown"
    ponomarauthor = "Michael Dykes"
    maintainer = "Michael Dykes"
    maintaineremail = "thedoctor81...@gmail.com"
    lastupdated = "2011/06/18"
    ponomarlang = "en"
    ponomarcomments = ""
    copyright = "This score is part of the Ponomar OpenMusic Project"
    tagline = \markup {
    \override #'(box-padding . 1.0) \override #'(baseline-skip . 2.7)
    \box \center-column {
      \line { \with-url #"http://www.ponomar.net"; \line { www. \hspace #-1.0 ponomar \hspace #-1.0 .net \hspace #0.5 } • Orthodox Liturgical music that is \italic free to download, use, modify and distribute. }
      \line { Typeset using \with-url #"http://www.LilyPond.org"; \line { LilyPond } by \maintainer \hspace #-1.0 . \hspace #0.5 Copyright © 2011. \hspace #0.5 Reference: \footer }
      \line { \teeny \line { Licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 (Unported) License, for details see: \hspace #-0.5 \with-url #"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0"; http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0 } }

% #(set-global-staff-size 22)
global = {
  \key f \major
  \time 5/4
  \revert Score.SpacingSpanner #'packed-spacing
  \override Staff.NoteHead #'style = #'altdefault
  \override Staff.TimeSignature #'stencil = ##f
  \override Staff.BarLine #'stencil = ##f
move = { \bar "" \break }

soprano = \relative c'' {
  % Music follows here.
  g4 bf(a8 bf c2) bf4 bf bf(a) bf c2 bf8(a) bf4 bf a2(g1) \finalis
  bf4 bf8(g) a(bf) c2(bf8 a bf4 a2) g1 \finalis
  bf4 bf8(g) a(bf) c4 c bf8(a) bf4 a2(g1) \finalis
  a8(bf) c4 bf2(a4) g8(f) g4. \divisioMinima
  g8 bf4 bf8 a bf bf bf a bf4 bf8 a bf bf a2 g2 \divisioMaior
  g8 bf4 bf8 bf a bf c4 c \divisioMinima
  c8(bf) a(bf) c4 bf2(a) g1 \finalis
  g4.(a8 bf4) bf bf bf bf2 g \divisioMinima
  bf4. bf8 bf a bf2 \divisioMaior
  bf4 bf8 bf bf a bf4 a8 a g4 g4. \divisioMinima
  g8 g4 g a bf c bf2 \divisioMaior
  bf8 a bf c4. bf8 c bf a bf2(a4) a8 a g4(a g8 f g2) \divisioMinima
  g4 a(bf c bf a8 bf c4) bf4 a8 bf c2(a8 bf a4) g1 \finalis
  g4(a) bf1 \finalis
  g4(a bf2 a4 g8 a bf2 a8 bf a4) g1 \finalis
  g4 bf(c) bf4. g8 bf4.(a8) bf2 \divisioMinima
  g8 a bf4 bf8 a bf4. bf8 c2(bf8 a g1) \divisioMaior
  g4 a8(bf) c2 c8(bf) a4 bf2 \divisioMinima
  a4 a g8(a bf a bf2 a g\breve \finalis

tenor = \relative c' {
  % Music follows here.
  g4 d'(c8 d ef2) d4 d d(c) d ef2 d8(c) bf4 bf c2(g1) \finalis
  d'4 d8(bf) c(d) ef2(d8 c bf4 c a) bf1 \finalis
  d4 d8(bf) c(d) ef4 ef d8(c) bf4 c2(g1) \finalis
  c8(d) ef4 d2(c4) bf8(a) bf4.\divisioMinima
  bf8 d4 d8 c d8 d d c d4 d8 c bf bf c2 g2 \divisioMaior
  g8 d'4 d8 d c d ef4 ef \divisioMinima
  ef8(d) c(d) ef4 d2(c4 a) g1 \finalis
  d'2. d4 d d d2 d \divisioMinima
  d4. d8 d c d2 \divisioMaior
  d4 d8 d d c bf4 c8 c g4 g4. \divisioMinima
  bf8 bf4 bf c d ef d2 \divisioMaior
  d8 c d ef4. d8 ef d c d2(c4) c8 c bf4(c bf8 a bf2) \divisioMinima
  bf4 c(d ef d c8 d ef4) d c8 d ef2(c8 bf c4) g1 \finalis
  bf4(c) d1 \finalis
  bf4(c d2 c4 bf8 c d4 bf c8 bf c4) g1 \finalis
  g4 g2 g4. g8 g2 g2 \divisioMinima
  g8 g g4 g8 g g4. g8 g2.~g1 \divisioMaior
  bf4 c8(d) ef2 ef8(d) c4 bf2 \divisioMinima
  c4 c bf8(c d c d2 c bf\breve) \finalis

bass = \relative c {
  % Music follows here.
  g'4 g1 g4 g g2 g4 g2 g4 d d f2(g1) \finalis
  g4 g g g2.(d4 c2) <g' g>1\finalis
  g4 g g g g d d f2(g1) \finalis
  g4 g g2. d4 g4. \divisioMinima
  g8 g4 g8 g g g g g g4 g8 g d d f2 g2 \divisioMaior
  g8 g4 g8 g g g g4 g \divisioMinima
  g g g8(a) bf4(g c,2) g1 \finalis
  g'4.(a8 bf4) bf4 bf bf bf2 bf \divisioMinima
  g4. g8 g g g2 \divisioMaior
  g4 g8 g g g d4 f8 f g4 g4. \divisioMinima
  g8 g4 g g g g g2 \divisioMaior
  g8 g g g4. g8 g g g g2. g8 g g2.(g2) \divisioMinima
  g4 g1~g2 g4 g8 f ef2(f) g1 \finalis
  g2 g1 \finalis
  g1(~g2 g4 d f2) <g,>1 \finalis
  g'4 g2 g4. g8 g2 g2 \divisioMinima
  g8 g g4 g8 g g4. g8 g2(d4 g1) \divisioMaior
  g4 g g2 g4 g d2 \divisioMinima
  c4 c g1(~g2~g\breve) \finalis

verse = \lyricmode {
  \override LyricSpace #'minimum-distance = #1.0
  \override LyricText #'font-size = #+1
  % Lyrics follow here.
  A mer -- cy of peace! A sac -- ri -- fice of praise!
  and with thy spir -- it.
  We lift them up un -- to the Lord.__
  It is meet __ and right
  to wor -- ship the Fath -- er, and the Son, and the 
    Ho -- ly Spir -- it:
  the Tri -- ni -- ty, One in Es -- sence, and 
    un -- di -- vi -- ded.
  Ho -- ly! Ho -- ly! Ho -- ly! Lord of Sa -- ba -- oth!
  Heav -- en and Earth are full of Thy glo -- ry!
  Ho -- san -- na in the high -- est!
  Bles -- sed is He that comes in the Name __ of the Lord!__
  Ho -- sa -- nna in the high -- est!
  A -- men.
  A -- men.
  We praise Thee. We bless Thee.
  We give thanks un -- to Thee, O Lord.__
  And we __ pray un -- to Thee, O our God.__

\score {
  \new ChoirStaff <<
    \new Staff \with {
      midiInstrument = "voice oohs"
      instrumentName = \markup \center-column { "S" }
      shortInstrumentName = \markup \center-column { "S" }
    } <<
      \new Voice = "soprano" { \voiceOne \soprano }
    \new Lyrics \with {
      \override VerticalAxisGroup #'nonstaff-relatedstaff-spacing
     #'minimum-distance = #6
    } \lyricsto "soprano" \verse
    \new Staff \with {
      midiInstrument = "voice oohs "
      instrumentName = \markup \center-column { "T" "B" }
      shortInstrumentName = \markup \center-column { "T" "B" }
    } <<
      \clef bass
      \new Voice = "tenor" { \voiceOne \tenor }
      \new Voice = "bass" { \voiceTwo \bass }
  \layout { ragged-last=##t 
   #(layout-set-staff-size 22)
  \midi {
    \context {
      tempoWholesPerMinute = #(ly:make-moment 130 4)
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