On 6/13/11 4:39 AM, "Friedrich Fischer" <fried.fisc...@gmail.com> wrote:

> test = one line of the piece (stretched)
> 1. Distance between grace note and main note is too large, only ³
> ragged-last = ##f ³ in 2.14.1 and before;
>     ( 2.12.3 is right )
> 2. Voices are interchanged
> 3. ³instrumentName²  is invisible

I don't know what your concern is in point 2.

Points 1 and 3 are both solved by correcting the structure of your music.

You should have 

\new Staff {
  \set Staff.instrumentName = "Guit."
     \context Voice {}
     \context Voice {}
     \context Voice {}

That is, you should have one staff, with an instrument name set, and three
voices in parallel.

I've attached modified code, and it works properly on 2.15.1.

> Another unsolved problem:
> Installation of lilypond-2.14.1-1.linux-x86.sh  is failing  (puppy linux)
> tar: Child died with signal 13
> tar: Exiting with failure status due to previous errors
> Error since 2.13.42; ( 2.12.3 ­ 2.13.41 are all right )

This error is not the report we need.  We need to see the process that
returned the signal 13.  Can you try to look up higher in the output to find
out which process is failing?



Attachment: test-fried.ly
Description: test-fried.ly

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