Am 30.05.2011 um 21:05 schrieb Andrea La Rose:

> Jan-Peter,
> That is fantastic work! Thanks for sharing it. Unfortunately, neither my
> math nor my coding skills are anywhere near yours. 
You're welcome :-)
What looks like magic math is just a little clue to get the right 
note-length-number for creating a Skipevent.
In another language it might look like integer(log-base-2(denominator)). If you 
calculate this, you get 1->0, 2->1, 4->2, 8->3, ... so you have the right 
number for creating a duration.

> Another issue is that I am creating a score where only parts exist at this
> point. (There was a handwritten score that I made the parts from, but that's
> on the other side of the ocean right now.) Making the kind of calculations
> you did with your uncle's piece (which I'd be interested in hearing, by the
> way) seems easier when you have a physical copy of a score.
Yes I do have a copy of the handwritten piece. I am going to publish this work, 
but the lyrics are written by someone else and I don't have the permission 
right now.
I will send you a note, when this is cleared.

> The sense I'm getting is that the only work-around at this point is to
> insert fake measures — not simply \bar "" — that do line up, in order to get
> the page breaks one wants; that there is no global fix.
That is, what I essentially would say ... and I am a little bit sorry for 
irritating with my scheme-hacks ;-)
The central development I made, was to prepare a "meta"-Voice for every staff I 
instanciate. My little "taktdef"-function is just a little helper, wich I use 
often in this kind of music with flexible meter/timing.
To me it looks more readable, if I have a meta-voice with my \takedef #11 #8 #3 
declarations instead of plenty of stuff like { \time 11/8 s8*33 }. But thats a 
matter of taste - one can obviously use comments ;-)
And if you define that meta-voice, you can still have concurrently appearing 
things this way:
<< { \time 11/8 s8*11 } { s4 \bar "" } >>
This means, you allow a break after a quarter note in this 11/8-measure.
In fact, the compositions of my uncle aren't my own inspiration, so maybe I 
have another look at it, than he would have ... and I have to read note by note 
to perceive it.
I counted all measures and notes and then added possible linebreaks where 

I hope it helps :-)


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