On 5/26/2011 9:27 PM, Colin Campbell wrote:
On 11-05-26 11:18 AM, Marc Mouries wrote:
On 5/24/2011 10:01 PM, Shane Brandes wrote:
Yes. First you must convert the Finale 2002 file to a Finale version
that supports exporting to a .xml version (Finale 2007 or thereabouts)
and then from there it is usually easy to convert the .xml file to .ly
using xml2ly.
On Tue, May 24, 2011 at 9:53 PM, Marc Mouries<m...@mouries.net> wrote:
I'd like to make an arrangement of Bach BWV 1073: Canon.
I found the Finale 2002 source files2 on the
icking-music-archive.org and
would like to know if there is a way to convert them to lilypond.
lilypond-user mailing list
Thanks for chiming in. Last time i tried to convert with musicxml2ly
to convert to lilypond the result was really ugly and was likely more
work than writing the piece from scratch.
This piece is a canon where the 4 instruments play the same notes but
using a different key.
I want to transpose it for 4 violins
Would anyone has a script that would allow me to transpose and
generate the lilypond code for the other violins?
Example: generateAndTranspose +3 "a4 a8 b c4 c8 d ..." would
generate "c4 c8 d e4 e8 f ..."
The simplest thing would be the \transpose command:
\version "2.13.61"
violinI = \relative c''
{ a4 a8 b c4 c8 d}
violinII = \transpose a c'
\score {
HTH, and the Notation Reference section 1.2.1 is a good place to
start, too!
i need to generate the actual lilypond notes and not just use the
transpose because I'd like to be able to add fingerings.
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