Am 08.05.2011 22:23, schrieb
Appended is a snippet of two measures, the first measure
is what I intended, the second measure is not.
In the second measure, I would like the top voice
triplet 16th notes B natural and A natural to occupy the
same space as the lower voice dotted quarter notes
B natural and A natural, thus these top voice triplet
16th notes "disappear".
This happens exactly as I want it in the first measure where
the F and Bb 16th notes "disappear" because the space
is occupied by the F and Bb half notes.
So far, working with the \mergeDifferentlyHeadedOn command
has been hit or miss with me. Sometimes I get my intention
with it, other times not. Can someone coach me so that I can
get my desired result?
There exists a \mergeDifferentDottedOn command, too,
to cover the merge in the second bar.
Thank you for your help. An image of the generated measures
is attached.
\version "2.12.3"
\include ""
\new Staff = "guitar"
\clef "treble_8"
% measure 01
\time 4/4
f,16 d16 g8<<d4 g4>>
bf,16 g16 b8<<g4 b4>>
{ \mergeDifferentlyHeadedOn f,2 bf,2 }
% measure 02
\time 3/4
\times 2/3 { b,16 af16 c'16 }<<af4 c'4>> \times 2/3 { a,16 fs16 b16 }<<fs4 b4
{ \mergeDifferentlyHeadedOn b,4. a,4. }
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