It works! I'm not sure how, but I'll figure it out. Thank you, Federico!!


On May 8, 2011, at 1:34 PM, Federico Bruni wrote:

> Il giorno dom, 08/05/2011 alle 12.11 -0400, Christopher Berg ha scritto:
>> How does one indicate a circled guitar string number in text above the
>> piece, as in " 3 = f# " (where the 3 is circled), which is often used
>> to indicate the tuning in transcriptions of Renaissance lute music. I
>> know how to indicate and position string numbers within the piece, but
>> not in text in the header block, which is where I'm guessing this
>> would go.
> What about this?
> \header {
>  title = "My Title"
>  composer = "Name Surname"
>  piece = \markup \column {
>    \line { \circle "6" "= D" }
>    \line { \circle "5" "= A" }
>    \line { \circle "4" "= D" }
>    \line { \circle "3" "= G" }
>    \line { \circle "2" "= A" }
>    \line { \circle "1" "= D" }
>  }
> }

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