I'm new to LilyPond (v2.12.3) and to music notation in general, so I'm just a 
tad beyond the starting point on LilyPond's learning curve.  I'm scratching my 
head now as to how to write the repeats in my learning testfile, "Podmoskovnye 
Vechera", (Moscow Nights).  The melody has four verses, each verse has two 
couplets (i.e., four stanzas per verse), with the second couplet repeated in 
each of the four verses.  The repeats for the first three verses are identical, 
but the repeat for the final verse includes a tempo change (slower, sadly) with 
an octave upbeat at the end.  I'm only coding the melody line for now; here's 
the code I've been using (time = 2/4):
\bar "|:"
\repeat volta 4                    %% notation shows repeat for verses 1, 2, 3, 
        b4 cis4
        e8 d8 a4~a8
        e4 d8 \mbreak            %% \mbreak defined in my  '%% Definitions' 
        a'8. g16 bes4~bes4
        c8 bes8
        a4 g8 f8
\alternative                        %% notation shows repeat for verse 4
        {a4 g8 f8 d2 }
        { d'2~d2\fermata }
\bar "||"

To get it right (volta showing verses 1 - 4, alternative showing verse 4 only) 
will I need to code the final couplet of verse 4 into \alternative?  Or is 
there a better, more professional way to do it?

Thanks, very best regards,

Ken Kellogg-Smith

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