There's nothing in the LSR that would solve my problem inside a TabStaff.
(Well, apart from Positioning Arpeggios, which is what I use now… but it's a
lot of work positioning every single arpeggio.)

You're right, applying connectArpeggios doesn't work for me as I don't want
cross-staff arpeggios.

I unfortunately have to enter the music twice as there are corrections
needed for the TabStaff (like positioning the arpeggios).

Anyway, thanks for your suggestions!

2011/5/3 Federico Bruni <>

> Il giorno mar, 03/05/2011 alle 17.22 +0200, Peter Crighton ha scritto:
> > Is it possible to connect arpeggios between two different voices in a
> > TabStaff?
> > I can get the desired output by overriding Arpeggio #'positions, but
> > I'd like to have a more intuitive way, something like
> > \set TabStaff.connectArpeggios = ##t
> > Is there a better way, am I just missing something?
> >
> >
> > Also I'd like to know why I have to put an \RemoveEmptyStaffContext in
> > the layout in order to get Span_arpeggio_engraver to work.
> > For most of my scores I need \RemoveEmptyStaffContext, which is why it
> > was there in the first place. I don't need it for the current one
> > though, so I'd like to leave it out, but then the whole Arpeggio
> > connecting doesn't work anymore.
> >
> >
> > See the attachment for my (reduced) code. (By the way, the problem
> > exists in 2.13.61 as well.)
> > _______________________________________________
> Have you tried some of the snippets in the LSR?
> If you apply connectArpeggios to the Score context you can comment
> \RemoveEmptyStaffContext, but I guess that the result is not what you
> are expecting.
> BTW, why entering the music twice, once for Staff and once for TabStaff?
> See attached example.
> Cheers,
> Federico
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