On 2 May 2011 14:55, MING TSANG <tsan...@rogers.com> wrote:
> Re posting the following. Need help!

Use \tag and separate scores for layout/midi.  The arpeggiated chord
can be faked in midi using tied grace notes.

\version "2.13.59"
\include "english.ly"
TimeKey = { \time 4/4  \key ef  \major  }
PianoRHand = \relative c' {
  <bf g'>8 ef4 <bf g'>8 <af af'>8 ef'4 <af, af'>8 |            %bar 01
  <bf bf'>8 ef4 <bf bf'>8 <c af'>8 <ef c'>4 <af, ef'>8 |            %bar 02
  <bf g'>8 g4 <bf g'>8 <af f'>4 <f ef'>8 <af c>8~ \break            %bar 03
  <af c>2 \tag #'score { <ef'' af bf ef>2\arpeggio }
  \tag #'midi {
    \set tieWaitForNote = ##t
    \grace { ef16 ~ af ~ bf ~ ef ~ } <ef, af bf ef>2
    \unset tieWaitForNote
  %bar 04
  <bf, g'>8 ef4 <bf g'>8 <af af'>8 ef'4 <af, af'>8 |            %bar 05
  <bf bf'>8 ef4 <bf bf'>8 <c af'>8 <ef c'>4 <c af'>8 |            %bar 06
  <ef g>8 <g, ef'>4 <bf g'>8 <af~ f'>4 <af ef'>8 <d, bf'>8~ \break    %bar 07
  <d bf'>2 \tag #'score { <bf'' bf'>2\arpeggio | }
   %bar 08
  \tag #'midi {
    \set tieWaitForNote = ##t
    \grace { bf16 ~ bf' ~ } <bf, bf'>2
    \unset tieWaitForNote
PianoLHand = \relative c {
  << {bf2 c2} \\ {ef,1} >> |                        %bar 01
  << {df'2 cf2} \\ {ef,1} >> |                        %bar 02
  <ef bf'>2 <df af'~>4. <af ef' af>8~ \break                 %bar 03
  <af ef' af>1 |                                 %bar 04
  << {bf'2 c2} \\ {ef,1} >> |                        %bar 05
  << {df'2 c2} \\ {ef,1} >> |                        %bar 06
  <c c'>2 <f bf>4. <bf, f'>8~ \break                     %bar 07
  <bf f'>1 |                                %bar 08

\score {
  \new GrandStaff = "GrandStaff_score" <<
    \new ChoirStaff <<
    \new PianoStaff <<
      \new Staff = "RH" { \TimeKey  \keepWithTag #'score \PianoRHand  }
      \new Staff = "LH" { \TimeKey \clef bass \PianoLHand }
  \layout {   }

\score {
  \new GrandStaff = "GrandStaff_score" <<
    \new ChoirStaff <<
    \new PianoStaff <<
      \new Staff = "RH" { \TimeKey  \keepWithTag #'midi \PianoRHand  }
      \new Staff = "LH" { \TimeKey \clef bass \PianoLHand }
  \midi {    }


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