On Fri, Apr 15, 2011 at 03:26:06PM -0600, Tom Cloyd wrote:
> But here's the problem which I keep running into. I'm reluctantly
> willing to join the documentation list, but while there's plenty of
> references to it, I have yet to see any link which takes me to a
> subscription process. Why not make this easy to locate?
There is a huge misunderstanding here.  There is NO SUCH THING as
a documentation list for lilypond.

All of our official, active, lists are here:
with the possible exception of the "frogs" list, which is here:

> It makes NO sense to me to advise me (as the documentation manual
> does) to post to what appears to be a documentation list (and I have
> to infer that),

Please state exactly which page caused you to "infer" that there
is a documentation list.  I want to fix this.

> I just went to look for this how-to-join
> information again. I've clicked about 15 links. All dry holes. I'm
> afraid my motivation won't outlast this test.

Please tell me EXACTLY where you are looking so that I can fix it.
Starting with whatever made you think that there was a
documentation list.

- Graham

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