
I'd like to give you my testymony as a publisher : if you want to publish and sell as a professional, I have to say that printing is a REAL job. I mean it takes time, and you won't have a proper score at the end without professional printers (machine AND guys). I made this choice a year ago : I've found a printer next to me (a musician !) and I must admit I spend a lot of time with him to get the best final product before printing the whole stock. With a final cost below Lulu & Co ! (I can make as many tests as I want before production, and that saves me many times !)

Another thing : try to calculate the time you will spend to print your score on the base of N buyers. You'll spend a LOT of time for this and it will not be, sadly, of the same quality of a professional printer.

Well, I mean, don't hink that working with a pro will be so much money !

Best regards.

Han-Wen Nienhuys a écrit :
On Sun, Apr 10, 2011 at 1:37 PM, Laura Conrad <lcon...@laymusic.org> wrote:
"Pete" == PMA  <peterarmstr...@aya.yale.edu> writes:
   Pete> The upshot -- well, so far -- is that *if* I buy the printer,
   Pete> it will be a refurbished HP LaserJet 5000.  Am sniffing out
   Pete> reputable vendors.

I would recommend against this.  I did that, after the kind of
exploration you did, and if you can pick it up on the third floor in
Cambridge, MA, USA, you can have it free.  I don't think the duplexer
ever worked more than a month at a time, and currently the fuser is
broken as well.  You can buy a duplexing laser printer for less than the
cost of a service call for the HP.

Most printers have a status page that will print the number of pages
printed.  Look for a printer that has a very low number there, a
couple of thousand maybe. Many offices have a printer that sits around
doing nothing all day.  That is the one you want to buy second hand.

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