On 4/12/11 4:21 PM, "Federico Bruni" <fedel...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Il giorno mar, 12/04/2011 alle 15.38 -0600, Carl Sorensen ha scritto:
>> How about redefining \deadNote so it contains
>> \once \override TabStaff.TabNoteHead #'font-name = #"Feta"
> Thanks.
> However, I'm not sure if I know how to redefine existing commands.
> The following code is not working, because it prints the normal notehead
> (instead of the crosshead) in both Staff and Tabstaff.
> ... maybe I've overwritten the command instead of just adding the
> override?
That's right.
Look in ly/property-init.ly for the definition of \deadNote, and duplicate
it, but with the override added.
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