Interesting! Very nice thank you!

I'm trying to write down a swing (it's written as eighths, but played as 
triplets without the middle third) on the ride, 
while playing triplets on the bass and the snare, as an exercise. 
So while playing, the last triplet of the snare should be played together with 
the second eighth on the ride. 
(Hope that made sense)

This will do nicely! :)
Next, I'd like to get the stem lengths to be the same, but I think I can figure 
that out by myself ;)

I'm new to Lilypond, in case you hadn't noticed ;) But loving it already

Kind regards,

On 06 Apr 2011, at 15:38, Janek Warchoł wrote:

> swing = \drummode { cymr4 cymr8*4/3 cymr8*2/3 cymr4 cymr8*4/3 cymr8*2/3 }
> down = \drummode { \times 2/3 { bd8 sn sn } \times 2/3 { << bd hhp >>
> sn sn } \times 2/3 { bd sn sn } \times 2/3 { << bd hhp >> sn sn } }
> \score {
>   \new DrumStaff {
> <<
>       \new DrumVoice { \voiceOne << \swing \down >> }
>   }
> }

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