2011/4/6 Bernardo Barros <bernardobarr...@gmail.com>:
> 2011/4/6 Phil Holmes <m...@philholmes.net>
>> What problems do you have?  Could you supply tiny examples?
> I'm copying a piece for ensemble, I would like to use some features like the
> woodwind fingerings and the svg backend, but I can't the staffs fit
> correctly on paper. There are too many instruments to have two systems in
> the same page, and too few to fill the page. I get a ungly black space on
> bottom of the page.

What about using ragged-bottom = ##f?

> I also like to have more extra space between staffs,
> since I do more modern music, I usually need more pace for extra stuff.
> With the 2.12 version I can do this:
>   \context { \Staff
>     \override VerticalAxisGroup #'minimum-Y-extent = #'(-8 . 8)
>   }
> and I can fit the music on a a3 paper, with a good size and not with much
> whitespace on the bottom. But the same code do nothing with the git version.
> Maybe there is another way to configure vertical layout with the devel
> version?

Have you read about new vertical spacing mechanism? The syntax has
changed substantially.


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