2011/4/4 Dmytro O. Redchuk <brownian....@gmail.com>:
> On Mon 04 Apr 2011, 16:22 胡海鹏 - Hu Haipeng wrote:
>> Hello,
>>   I find the culprit for my score. The staff lines are thick,
>> and when the staff size is reduced to 10, the space between two staff lines 
>> is very few.
>> How to make the staff lines thinner? My mother saw many Finale scores
>> published by our People's Music Publishing are very clear,
>> and some pocket scores have the same feature.
> You can do that with StaffSymbol's 'thickness property.
> However, Lilypond makes small objects _relatively thicker_ for better
> readability (like different character widths for different font sizes for
> ComputerModern font, for example -- sorry, i couldn't find better example).
> I can believe that an eye, "trained by Finale", will see Lilypond's output as
> "far too thick", but Lilypond does that intentionally, for readability's sake.

I'm tempted to say that LilyPond thickens the staff lines too aggresively.
However, i cannot be sure unless i do some testing, and for that i'd
need some good quality printer (i only have medium quality printer
available - resolution is too low for such tests).
Eh... another thing on my (already too ling) lily-todo list...


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