
It looks to me like you don't have your path set up right.

You should not be in the ~/bin directory to run lilypond.

Eliminate the links ~/bin/lilypond and ~/bin/maqam.ly.

move samai_bayyati_arabi_qadim.ly to another directory, say ~/test-lily

Change to ~/test-lily

Make sure that your path contains an entry that points to the lilypond
binary.  From your links I can't tell where that should be.  For my
installation, I have the lilypond source tree in ~/lilypond, and the binary
is in ~/lilypond/out/bin.

I think you should make sure that you have your path set up properly by

which lilypond

If this doesn't give you a lilypond that is in the <source>/out/bin, then
you're getting the wrong lilypond.

Your listing causes me to think you have multiple lilypond executables --
one at /Users/samir/share/lilypond and the other at
/Users/samir/my-lily-source/lilypond/lily/out.  I suspect that the one you
really want to use (i.e. the one you just built) is at



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