2011/3/24 Ben Rudiak-Gould <benrud...@googlemail.com>: > Hello lilypond-users. > > I'd like to engrave rounds with LilyPond 2.13 in a part-parallel > format similar to this: > > http://www.archive.org/stream/nationalsongbook00stan#page/n255/mode/2up > > Although this looks simple compared to a lot of the crazy stuff in the > snippet repository, there is a problem that I don't know how to solve: > sometimes ties, slurs, or word hyphens/extenders have to stretch from > the end of one staff to the beginning of the next, as though the > staves were sequential instead of parallel. (See "She Weepeth Sore", > above, for an example). Logically they are sequential, of course, but > I have to tell LilyPond they're parallel to make the notes line up. > > Is there any way to solve this? I don't want to turn on strict note > spacing since it would uglify the score. The best idea I've had is to > render three consecutive copies of the piece (with the parts rotating) > and then somehow drop the first and third copies late in the rendering > process. But that would introduce a bunch of gunk into the source file > that's unrelated to the logical structure of the piece, it would > generate spurious warnings for ties and dashes at the end of the third > copy, LilyPond wouldn't know that the last system is really the last > so ragged-last options probably wouldn't work, etc. Is there a more > elegant solution?
I think canons are more usually typeset completely sequential in a single staff with numbers indicating the time which voices appear at. This way you'll never experience problems with ties. Just from my little experience. See example attached which coincidentally I had in my lilypond folder. -- Francisco Vila. Badajoz (Spain) www.paconet.org , www.csmbadajoz.com
% Canon Under This Stone a 3v. H.Purcell \version "2.13.46" cesura = { \breathe } \header { title = "Under this Stone" subtitle = "a 3 v." composer = "H. Purcell" } \relative a' { \key f \minor \time 3/4 %línea 1 %1 aes4.^1 g8 f4 e2 f4 des4. c8 des4 c2 \cesura c'8 bes %línea 2 des4. c8 bes4 g2 aes4 f4. g8 e4 f2. \fermata %2 f4.^2 g8 aes8( f) %línea 3 c'2 c4 %aquí la ligadura punteada: \slurDashed c4.( des8) \slurSolid bes4 c4. g8 aes4 f4. \cesura f8 des'4 bes4. bes8 es c %línea 4 aes4. g8 aes4 f2. \fermata %3 c'4.^3 bes8 aes4 g2 aes4 f4.( aes8) \slurDashed g( f) \slurSolid %ligadura punteada %línea5 e4. e8 f4 bes,4. \cesura c8 des( bes) es8.( f16 es8) des c4 des4. bes8 c4 f2. \bar ":|" } %{ convert-ly (GNU LilyPond) 2.13.48 Procesando «»... Aplicando la conversión: 2.11.2, 2.11.3, 2.11.5, 2.11.6, 2.11.10, 2.11.11, 2.11.13, 2.11.15, 2.11.23, 2.11.35, 2.11.38, 2.11.46, 2.11.48, 2.11.50, 2.11.51, 2.11.52, 2.11.53, 2.11.55, 2.11.57, 2.11.60, 2.11.61, 2.11.62, 2.11.64, 2.12.0, 2.12.3, 2.13.0, 2.13.1, 2.13.4, 2.13.10, 2.13.16, 2.13.18, 2.13.20, 2.13.29, 2.13.31, 2.13.36, 2.13.39, 2.13.40, 2.13.42, 2.13.44, 2.13.46 %}
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