
-----Original Message-----
From: Nick Payne <>
Date: Tue, 22 Mar 2011 08:20:24 +1100
To: LilyPond User <>
Subject: Re: volta bracket too short

>On 22/03/11 03:51, Laura Conrad wrote:
>> I'm trying to write a piece with an alternative ending labeled "Final."
>> This bracket is over a whole note for all parts.  For two of the five
>> parts, the spacing on the last line of the part is tight enough that
>> there isn't room under the volta bracket for the whole word "Final."
>> Does anyone have a good suggestion for what to tweak to fix this?
>> Thanks,
>You could use
>\override Staff.NoteHead #'X-extent = #'(L . R)
>for the whole notes where you want the additional spacing around the
>note, but this doesn't work if the note is on a ledger line, as it also
>extends the ledger line. Alternatively
>\override Staff.BarLine #'extra-spacing-width = #'(L . R)
>can achieve the same effect.
>\version "2.13.54"
>\relative c'' {
>     c1 c
>     \once \override Staff.NoteHead #'X-extent = #'(-8 . 8) c
>     c
>     \override Staff.BarLine #'extra-spacing-width = #'(-8 . 8)
>     c c


Thanks for that, that was nice insight into an override I hadn't tried.

I was hoping I could use it with my cramped repeat percent counters.

So I tried something like this

  \set countPercentRepeats = ##t
  \override Voice.PercentRepeat #'X-extent = #'(-8 . 8)
  \repeat percent 5 { fis8.\fff fis16 fis8 }

It does something but not quite what I intended. I have attached two pngs
of my real-world file (before and after) and wondered if I was simply
using the wrong grob or something like that?

Thanks for any help or advice.


<<attachment: after.png>>

<<attachment: before.png>>

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