2011/3/15 m...@apollinemike.com <m...@apollinemike.com>:
> Perhaps a stupid question - in traditional engraving,
> is there ever an instance where, in 2 voice polyphony,
> the note column w/ a downward pointing stem is placed
> to the right of note column with an upward pointing stem?
> I hacked a solution that does this and it looks much clearer
> than moving in the other direction (see attached).

It looks more reasonable for me too.
Maybe i'd move it even a bit more to the right , so there will be a
tiny gap between stems:

\relative c' { \time 3/4 << { <cis a'>4 <b fis'>2 }
\\ { \once \override Voice . NoteColumn #'force-hshift = #1.4 d2. } >> }

> However, if it is not Kosher, I'll scrub it.



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