James Lowe schrieb:
> )-----Original Message-----
> )From: Hannes Kuhnert
> )I’ve got a piece with multiple measures like
> )<http://www.herzogenberg.ch/bilder/Gott_ist_notenbild.gif>.
> )
> )I’d like to have both time signatures engraved at the beginning of the
> )piece.
> )Additionally some kind of semi-automatic setting of bars would be great,
> )but isn’t really needed.
> )
> )What is the state-of-the-art-solution for doing so?
> http://lsr.dsi.unimi.it/LSR/Item?id=192

This snippet was very useful and is pretty much the same as what Nick Payne 
suggested. Now I’m using a custom time signature and regular “time” commands, 
which gives me automatic setting of bars. Before the first time change I’m 
switching the drawing of the signature off by doing

   \override Staff.TimeSignature #'stencil = ##f.

Now the measures are set two times: First for the music itself and second for 
the time signature.

It would be great if Lilypond provided an option for putting automatically 
derived time signatures at the beginning.

Hannes Kuhnert

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