Marc Hohl <marc <at>> writes: > > I try to put fret diagrams at the beginning of a piece. > My input file looks like this: > > << > \new ChordNames \chordmode { > g:m > } > \new Lyrics \lyricmode { > \markup { \fret-diagram #"w:4;4-o;3-o;2-1;1-3;" } > } > >>
> Warning: staff-affinities should only decrease The new staff-spacing system has the concept of distinguishing staves from lines that are attached to staves. Both ChordNames and Lyrics are looking for a staff in between them, so they can space themselves relative to it. "staff-affinity" is the setting that controls which direction a line looks for attachment. For your case, let one of the non-staff lines become independent, with \new Lyrics \with { \override VerticalAxisGroup #'staff-affinity = ##f } That warning message is bad. Can anybody suggest better than : " Warning: two adjacent non-staff lines ask to be spaced relative to a non- existent staff between them; need to change staff-affinity. " (I checked the code to confirm that this describes the situation LilyPond is trying to handle, and she makes a guess and effectively changes one staff affinity.) _______________________________________________ lilypond-user mailing list